[ Laman Ehwal Semasa ReformIS ]


Date: 18 Aug 1999
Time: 02:14:49
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KENYATAAN DR SYED HUSIN ALI, PRESIDEN PARTI RAKYAT MALAYSIA (PRM) BERTINDAK CEPAT TERHADAP KORUPSI Sangat menarik sekali bahawa pihak polis begitu cepat bergerak untuk menyiasat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, dan Ezam Mohd Noor, ketua Pemuda keADILan. Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Dalam Negri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, dilaporkan telah mengarah polis supaya bertindak segera. Beberapa orang pemimpin pemerintah BN, di antaranya terkenal kerana tuduhan korupsi terhadap mereka, semuanya menyeru supaya tindakan keras diambil terhadap Anwar dan Ezam kerana melanggar OSA dan juga kerana kononnya "menderhaka" berhubung dengan dokumen-dokumen "rahsia" kerajaan itu.

Mengapakah para menteri dan pemimpin BN serta pegawai-pegawai polis dan BPR tidak begitu cepat dan tegas melakukan penyiasatan terhadap ketiga-tiga aduan polis yang dibuat oleh Anwat terhadap Tan Sri Eric Chia, Datuk Paduka Rafidah Aziz dan Tun Daim Zainuddin? Sudah kira-kira tiga tahun sejak Anwar membongkar kes Perwaja dalam Parlimen. Mengapakah tiada tindakan diambil hingga kini? Sudah lebih lima tahun kes Rafidah dibangkitkan dalam Parlimen juga. Mengapakah masih disapu ke bawah tikar? Sekarang beberapa dokumen bukti telah dikemukakan berhubung aduan terhadap Daim. Adakah semua orang akan terus tuli dan membisu?

Pengarah BPR mendakwa semalam bahawa selama empat bulan yang lalu beliau tidak ada menerima apa-apa aduan tentang korupsi. Lebih dua tahun lalu, pada 5hb Ogos 1997, saya bersama-sama beberapa orang pemimpin politik dan aktivis NGO telah mengemukakan sebuah memorandum kepada BPR berhubung kes Eric Chia, Tan Sri Muhammad Taib Muhammad dan senarai hampir 200 syarikat di mana tiga orang putera Perdana Menteri mempunyai kepentingan. Sehingga hari ini kami tidak menerima sebarang surat pun daripada BPR. Bolehkah kami tahu apakah siasatan yang telah dilakukan mengenai perkara-perkara yang ditimbulkan dalam memorandum itu?

Pihak polis dan BPR hendaklah bersikap adil dan tidak berat sebelah. Mereka harus bersedia dan berani bertindak bukan saja ke atas musuh-musuh para menteri dan pemimpin BN, bahkan juga ke atas sanak saudara dan kawan-kawan mereka itu, apabila ada saja laporan yang dibuat demi kebenaran dan keadilan.

Dr Syed Husin Ali Presiden PRM 16hb Ogos 1999 =========================================================================================


It is impressive to see how fast the police is moving to investigate Datuk Seri Anwar, former Deputy Prime Minister and Ezam Mohd Noor, head of the keADILan Youth. The Deputy Prime Minister cum Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad, was reported as having instructed the police to do so immediately. The most corrupt among the BN government leaders have been demanding in chorus that stern action be taken against Anwar and Ezam for breaching the OSA and also for "treason" in connection with the "secret" government documents which apparently have been stacked away.

Why is it the BN Ministers and leaders as well as the police and ACA (Anti-Corruption Agency) officers are not as efficient in carrying out investigations on the three police reports made by Anwar regarding alleged corruption involving Tan Sri Eric Chia, Datuk Paduka Rafidah Aziz and Tun Daim Zainuddin? It's around three years since Anwar in Parliament exposed the Perwaja Scandal. Why is it no action has been taken? It's more than five years since the case of Rafidah was brought up in Parliament too. Why has it been swept under the carpet? Now there are documentary proofs produced in connection with allegations on Daim. Is everybody in power going to remain deaf and dumb?

The Director of ACA complained yesterday that he has not received any report on corruption during the last four months. More than two years ago, on 5th August 1997, together with some political leaders and NGO activists, I submitted a memorandum to the ACA on Eric Chia, Tan Seri Muhammad Taib Muhammad and a list of nearly 200 companies in which three children of the Prime Minister had interests. Until now we have not received a letter of acknowledgement from the ACA. Can we know what kind of investigation has been carried out arising from the issues raised in this memorandum?

The police and ACA officers must not practice double standards. They must be ready to bring to book not only the erstwhile enemies of the BN Ministers and leaders, but also their friends and relatives, against whom repots have been launched.

Dr Syed Husin Ali PRM President 16 August 1999

Last changed: August 18, 1999