[ Laman Ehwal Semasa ReformIS ]


Date: 12 Sep 1999
Time: 21:38:20
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Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad serta kroni-kroni politiknya yang utama tidak mungkin keliru tentang fakta-fakta sebenar mengenai laporan Anwar Ibrahim diracuni. Adakah mereka sengaja memilih untuk membohongi rakyat negeri ini dan dunia dengan maklumat yang dipilih untuk diselewengkan?

Contoh air kencing Anwar telah diserah kepada cawangan Gribbles Pathology di Kuala Lumpur pada 18 Ogos 1999. Ia dirujuk kepada Ibu Pejabat Gribbles Pathology di Melbourne pada 26 Ogos. Laporan Patologi yang memberi hasil ujian telah dihantar oleh Gribbles Pathology di Melbourne ke cawangannya di Kuala Lumpur pada 8 September 1999. Keesokan hari, peguam Anwar membentangkannya ke mahkamah.

Bukankah satu pembohongan jikalau dikatakan laporan itu segaja disimpan selama 14 hari oleh keluarga Anwar? Laporan itu dikemukakan ke mahkamah satu hari selepas diterima. Lebih besar lagi pembohongannya apabila didakwa bahawa perkara ini segaja ditimbulkan untuk menepati persidangan APEC. Begitu juga paling menghinakan sekali jikalau dituduh pula isteri Anwar Dr Wan Azizah atau anak merekalah yang mungkin memberi Anwar makanan mengandungi racun.

Kononnya membunuh lawan politik tidak wujud dalam budaya Melayu/Malaysia. Mungkin Mahathir tidak percaya dengan hikayat-hikayat lama, termasuk Sejarah Melayu, yang menceritakan tentang deraan bahkan pembunuhan ke atas mereka yang difitnah menentang atau menderhaka terhadap raja. Mungkin beliau sudah lupa akan kes Dr Burhanuddin Alhelmy, pejuang ulung kemerdekaan, yang menghadapi masalah kencing, batu karang dan buah pinggang semasa dalam tahanan, sehingga akhirnya membawa maut tidak lama selepas beliau dibebaskan. Mungkin juga beliau tidak mahu mengingatkan tentang pembunuhan Abdul Samad Gul, seorang pemimpin PAS yang lantang suaranya menentang kerajaan, dengan menggunakan kapak kecil.

Katakanlah pandangan bijaksana Mahathir tentang budaya Melayu/Malaysia itu memang benar. Tetapi bukankah Mahathir sendiri adalah satu-satunya orang yang hendak dan sudah mengubah budaya itu? Bukankah dengan perubahan budaya ini seorang ketua polis boleh memukul seorang bekas TPM sehingga hampir maut dan kemudian dilengah-lenghkan pembicaraannya? Bukankah dengan perubahan ini tilam bertompok air mani boleh diusung keluar masuk mahkamah, ditayangkan kepada umum dan selepas itu diisytiharkan tidak relevan? Bukankah dengan perubahan ini akhbar, mahkamah dan polis boleh digunakan seluas-luasnya untuk memfitnah dan memalukan Anwar serta keluarganya?

Bukankah dengan perubahan ini nilai-nilai agama dan budaya tidak dipedulikan apabila seorang Perdana Menteri sanggup menggunakan perkataan-perkataan lucah (seperti meliwat, melancap dan sebagainya) apabila membuat tuduhan terhadap Anwar sebelum ia didapati bersalah? Dan sekarang, mengapakah tidak boleh diracun seorang musuh politik supaya perlahan-lahan maut, dan kemudian didakwa pula dia maut kerana AIDS akibat aktiviti seksnya? Dr Mahathir: bertaubatlah. Saya menggesa supaya Anwar dibenarkan bebas dengan ikat jamin sekarang!

Dr Syed Husin Ali

12 September 1999



Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir together with his leading political cronies cannot possibly misunderstand the true facts regarding the report on the attempt to poison Anwar Ibrahim. Have they deliberately chosen to lie to the Malaysian people and the world by distorting selective information?

Anwar's urine sample was submitted to the Kuala Lumpur branch of Gribbles Pathology on 18 August 1999. It was then referred to Gribbles Pathology headquarters in Melbourne on 26 August. Gribbles headquarters sent the results of their tests to their branch in Kuala Lumpur on 8 September 1999. The next day, Anwar's lawyer submitted it to the court hearing his case.

Is it not a lie to allege that Anwar's family deliberately kept the report for 14 days? As said, the report was submitted to the court one day after it was received. It's a greater lie to allege that the release of this report was timed for the APEC conference. Further, it is most insulting to suggest that that the arsenic could have been in food brought to Anwar by his wife Dr Wan Azizah or their children.

Mahathir claims that murdering a political opponent is not practiced in the Malay/Malaysian culture. I am not surprised if Mahathir does not believe in the tales told in some of the old historical chronicles, including Sejarah Melayu, about the tortures and deaths inflicted upon those accused of opposing or rebelling against some rulers. Maybe he has also chosen to ignore the case of Dr Burhanuddin Helmy, who suffered from urine and kidney problems while under ISA detention, which finally led to his unfortunate death not long after his release. Or maybe, for convenience, he does not want to recall the case of Abdul Samad Gul, the outspoken PAS leader against the Alliance government then, who was killed by the use of "small axe".

Let us assume that Mahathir's wisdom on the Malay/Malaysian culture is true. But isn't Mahathir the one person, more than anybody else, who wants to and has changed the culture? Is it not true that with this cultural change the chief of police could deliver almost lethal blows on the ex-DPM, and yet trial on him is ever delayed? Is it not true that with this change a semen-spotted mattress could be carried in and out of court, displayed to the public and then declared irrelevant? Is it not true that this change has constantly allowed the media, court and police to be used in order to shame Anwar and his family?

Is it not true that with this change religious and cultural values are ignored when a Prime Minister is free to use pornographic expressions (like sodomy, masturbation and the like) to level public accusations against Anwar even before he is found guilty? And now, why is it not possible for a political enemy to be poisoned to a slow death, and then after his death the story can be spread around by the controlled institutions that he died of AIDS, resulting from his homosexual activities? Dr Mahathir: Please repent. I urge Anwar to be allowed bail pending on appeal.

Dr Syed Husin Ali 12 September 1999

Last changed: September 12, 1999